Subdivision and Platting
Platting Regulations
The Concept Plan is the first step in the subdivision process. The purpose of the plan is to demonstrate conformance with the Master Plan and compliance with City ordinances including the Park Ordinance, Tree Preservation Ordinance, and other applicable laws.
To submit a Concept Plan download the Concept Plan Application & Checklist (link below) and follow the detailed instructions. Once you have completed this information, contact the Planning Department for an appointment to submit.
The Concept Plan must have:
- Approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council (approval expires two (2) years after the filing date unless preliminary plats are filed or an extension is granted)
- Concept Plan Application/Checklist
- Sample Image Concept Plan
The Preliminary Plat is the second step in the subdivision process. The purpose is to provide detailed graphical information and associated text indicating property boundaries, easements, land use, streets, utilities, drainage and other information required to evaluate the proposed development.
To submit a Preliminary Plat download the Preliminary Plat Application & Checklist (link below) and follow the detailed instructions. Once you have completed this information, contact the Planning Department for an appointment to submit. The Preliminary Plat must have:
- A public hearing.
- Be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission
- Be submitted with a certified copy of all current tax certificates indicating that all property taxes have been paid.
- (NOTE: approval expires two (2) years after the filing date unless construction plans and final plats are filed or an extension is granted.)
- Preliminary Plat Application/Checklist
Submission of the Construction Plans is the third step in the development process. The Preliminary Plat must be approved by the Planning & Zoning Commission before the Construction Plan can be submitted. The purpose is to provide detailed engineering plans and specifications for all proposed public improvements. This includes drainage, streets, utilities, water, and wastewater improvements. To submit Construction Plans download the Construction Plans Application & Checklist (link below) and follow the detailed instructions. The construction plans are submitted to the Planning Department office.
The Amended Plat process provides a method to correct minor errors in course or distance, description of real property, scrivener errors, to relocate lot lines without vacation of the preceding plat and without a public hearing or approval of other lot owners within the platted subdivision.
To submit an Amended Plat download the Amended Final Plat Application & Checklist (link below) and follow the detailed instructions. Once you have completed this information, contact the Planning Department for an appointment to submit. The City Engineer approves the plat. Approval of the Amended Plat expires within six (6) months of City approval if the plat is not recorded.
By ordinance the Amended Plat must:
- Be submitted with a completed Amended Plat application/checklist and filing fees.
- Be submitted with a certified copy of all current tax certificates indicating that all property taxes have been paid.
Application Plat Amendment/Re-Plat
The Final Plat is the fourth and final phase of the subdivision process. The final plat includes the survey description for each lot in the plat plus plat notes and dedication, recording and approval statements. The final plat is the “recorded document” that is filed for record with the county.
To submit a Final Plat download the Final Plat Application & Checklist (link below) and follow the detailed instructions. Once you have completed this information, contact the Planning Department for an appointment to submit.
Final Plat is:
- Approved by Planning & Zoning Commission
- Construction Plans are required to be submitted prior to the Final Plat.
- Be submitted with a certified copy of all current tax certificates indicating that all property taxes have been paid.
The Final Plat cannot be approved until the Construction Plans have been approved by the City Engineer AND either (1) all required infrastructure has been constructed and approved by the City Engineer or (2) fiscal surety for the cost of all public improvements has been accepted by and posted with the City Engineer.
Application Final Plat